Tender Moments

Tender Spotlight - Vince Olivieri

Now entering the Tender Spotlight… Vince Olivieri!

Vince was working for his previous employer over the last half decade, where he worked his way up to a management position, until the owners opted to give the business to their kids instead of promoting further from within. From there, Vince was presented with the decision on whether he wanted to continue pursuing his current industry, or if he wanted to go ahead and work for himself.

He ended up finding an opportunity to own his own business by publishing a local magazine, Aliso Viejo Neighbors. This requires him to keep traditional office hours for phone calls and appointments during the business day. The magazine highlights the Aliso Viejo community leaders, local high school athletes, and introduces homeowners to business owners in the area. However, Vince was still looking for a little extra income to help him travel and enjoy his life.

Vince looked to a local catering company where he worked for a bit, securing the position by relying on his 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry. The issue with the catering company was that he was on a set schedule and ended up missing out on some opportunities for his own business because of the strict hours he had to keep with the catering company. One of his coworkers at the catering company then let him know about Tend…

Vince wound up signing up, and as Vince notes enthusiastically “It’s perfect, I get to make my own schedule, I get to work around the hours that I need to work and I have the flexibility of working when and where I want… I just wish things like this existed before, I really think it’s the future of the industry.” Vince has the most experience bartending and serving, and enjoys the face time and networking opportunities presented to him through Tend, “I love the fact that I can change my location and essentially pick up work somewhere else if I wanted to.”

Vince has also found a sense of community with his fellow Tenders. He’s hung out with other Tenders and has been referred to other jobs by them. At one of the first few jobs he worked with Tend, he met a group of Tenders and struck up a conversation about golf and now those Tenders join him and his friends for rounds of golf when they’re all available.

With the flexibility and extra income from Tend, Vince was able to go and see his mom in Thailand for the first time in fifteen years! When asked why that was, Vince recounted “I’ve never been able to get the time away… working in restaurants and corporate America, and I was never really allowed more than four to seven days off and when the trip itself takes up two travel days already it wasn’t really feasible… Tend allowed me the time off and then the ability to come back and hit the ground running from there, so it’s definitely been a huge benefit for me.” We love providing opportunities for Tenders to connect with their family and friends by giving people the autonomy to dictate their own schedule.  

We’re proud to work with great people like Vince Olivieri and hope to continue to create more positive experience and opportunities for Tenders around the country.

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