Tender Moments

Tend x Canada

Tend - Premier Hospitality is expanding to include more of North America! Throughout December 2023 we will be launching across over ten different cities in Canada, including many different provinces. We look forward to bringing our quality service to new frontiers. As we venture into 2024 we will also continue to expand into new territories and cities; We will be launching in new provinces and all told this will include Quebec, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.

This is not to mention that we have expanded to nearly every US State as well. If you’re wondering if we’re in a city near you, please reach out to your staffing coordinator, Tessa, via text at (213)-205-6321. 

We are looking forward to another great year of providing high-quality service both to our Tenders and to our clients that we get to work with on a daily basis.

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