Tender Moments

Camden Yards, Going Yard, the Iron Man & Tend Work Ethic - Baltimore, the city of the Orioles

The Baltimore Orioles opened their first homestand of their 2023 campaign against the Yankees with Tenders in and around the grounds of the beautiful Camden Yards. Camden Yards started the trend of building retro-style ballparks in the modern era when it was erected in the early nineties. The B&O Warehouse that presents the backdrop for the right field pavilion is iconic for its brickwork and its history. The B&O Railroad originally serviced merchants from the Baltimore area giving them access to the surrounding areas, westward, towards Ohio in the middle of the nineteenth century. The B&O Railroad is also a lucrative property when paired with the other railroads in Monopoly, just food for thought.

Camden Yards was born in the middle of one of the more impressive feats in baseball history, Cal Ripken Jr.’s consecutive games streak which began in 1982. A decade later, Camden Yards was opened in 1992. And still over sixteen years later in 1998, Ripken laced them up for his 2,632nd game in a row. The Iron Man was well-respected throughout the league for his defense and longevity and received honors in every ballpark he played in during his last season in 2001. We see a lot of the same work ethic in our top tier Tenders who show up for work rain or shine to do their part and provide for themselves and their families. For me, and us here at Tend, that’s the dedication that drives us to continue to provide opportunities for hard-working people across the country.

The Orioles as of late have turned around their lackluster performances from the first part of the century. They are a far cry from the 115-loss team they were just a few seasons ago in 2018 and finished four games above .500 in 2022. Their record at Camden Yards has given birds fans something to chirp about and the spectacle of the stadium is a consistent draw for the Baltimore faithful. A charming quirk about Camden Yards is that it was the first MLB stadium built with completely straight walls since Ebbets Field in 1912. One of the many beautiful things about baseball that makes the sport and its historic parks bucket list items is the uniqueness of each stadium and Camden Yards is yet another great example of a one-off success. We’re happy to be in Camden Yards this season to cheer on the Orioles and keep events running smoothly with Tend.

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